Water Pollution...

Posted Saturday, January 22, 2011 by Jinting
Water pollution can be found everywhere, for example, when you approach any river in Malaysia, you can sense disgusting smell along with many wastes float on river. Even in my house that I rent nearby to my college, UCSI University, I can know how serious our water polluted. Sometimes, I would collect the dirty brownish water which flow out from the pipes and bring them to boil and drink them. But the hot water seem to be not effective to reduce the brownish water to transparent colour. I'm pretty worry about the quality of water that I drink into my stomach. That is why we prefer to buy mineral water from stores rather than drinking the brownish water.

So, lets talk about the water pollution in Malaysia. Water pollution is a serious problem in Malaysia, as it reduces total water availability and the polluted waters are not treatable for consumption. Causes of pollution including fertilizers that contain nitrates and phosphates. When the fertilizers used too much, they will stimulate the growth of algae which will act as competitor of aquatic plant. The algae will use the dissolved oxygen as they decompose, and block light which prevent aquatic plant undergo photosynthesis process, leading to aquatic plant die.

The development in Malaysia is the main factor that cause water pollution too. This occur since our country is developing in tourism industry, more and more hotels and resorts were built. As a result, many of the forests surrounding the river areas have been chopped down. The surrounding soil have no roots to hold on and the soil flow into the rivers when rain. This cause rivers become murky and block sunlight from reaching the aquatic life in the rivers.

I have shown 2 simple ways to save the water in two previous blogs. Such as, conserve water by collect the cold water in a bucket instead of letting it flow away and also try to reduce the use of soap.


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